How Do I Find a Legitimate House Buyer in Maryland?

Attention Homeowners: Check Out These Cash Buyer Secrets

We Buy MD Homes is a house buying company, known for fair offers. 
I understand above all else, that no one will accept an offer that won’t work for them. This is why I go all out to present my highest possible offer. The way I do this is by doing my due diligence, and by keeping my renovation costs as low as possible. 

My rehabs are kept simple, and designed strategically to minimize the costs of repairs while maximizing my profit return. You do know what this means, don’t you? Well, If I can keep my costs down and the profits up, I can offer you a lot more for your house. And this my friends is my secret to my higher offers! But shhhh, don’t tell anyone!  Yes, my company is a real estate investing company: and like any other company I do it to make money. But, more than that, I chose to make money this way because I love it. I am having fun, and if a fast all cash offer helps you out of a tight spot, even better! BTW, if you would like to know how much in cash I would offer for your house, just click the button below:

cash offer for my house

Reputable & Legitimate Cash Home Buyer In MD

I am a legitimate house buyer in MD that offer cash for your house anywhere in Maryland. If you have a house for sale in MD and are in need of a serious team that will do their best to give you the maximum possible offer, it cost you literally nothing to have me give you a no obligation to accept, all cash offer for your house. My services are 100% free.

I am fully registered and compliant in accordance to all the statues and limitations in the State Of Maryland. If you feel like I am the one you want to work with I promise not to let you down or waste your time.

We Buy MD Homes / Brad Buys Houses is a BBB accredited Cash Home Buyer.

As you can see we do things the right way. We take pride in our website and our business. Although we have a lot of fun working our business, we take you very seriously and we will make sure to treat you with respect, compassion and courtesy.

You can rest assured that when you fill out our form you will receive a fair offer on your house in Maryland based on market value and repairs needed. We will also do our utmost best to close on your property (and get you your cash in your hand) as soon as possible! 

We Buy MD Homes is NOT Some Boring Cold Corporation?

we buy MD Homes cash home buyer

I was born and raised in Baltimore, so I know Maryland. My family has operated small businesses in the state for more than 40 years, so I care about the community.

I work hard, play even harder and have fun doing what I do. However, this doesn’t mean I am not serious about my performance, my reputation or my business model. I am VERY serious about my image and reputation as a company that is at the forefront of performance. 

We Buy Houses All Over Maryland

We, like you, are people that like to be treated with respect, honor, integrity, and understanding, and this is how you will be treated as well.

Of course, it is important for you to know that we are capable to buy your house in cash as promised. We will dedicate this page to some background so you can determine if we are the right people to sell your house to. Credibility and honesty is a big part that will ultimately make you feel comfortable selling to us.

I Want to Sell My House for Cash!

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The Company

We are a legitimate house buyer that offers cash for properties in Maryland. We buy houses cash. We require no loans or approval from financial institutions which enables us to buy your house fast. We buy houses all over Maryland, in any condition, and location.

Maryland’s Leading Cash Home Buyer That Will Purchase Your MD House For Sale

Because we have our own cash, or use hard money loans, we do not need any approvals from banks or other financial institutions to purchase homes for sale in Maryland. This is ideal if you have a house you need to sell that needs major repairs, or is in such bad shape the conventional buyer is not interested or can’t get bank approval for traditional financing. Having our own cash also eliminates long periods of time before we can close – in other words, we close on YOUR timeline, no exceptions.

Thanks for the trust.

I promise I will not let you down!